Describe your decision making process

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Reference no: EM133286966

Assignment - Manage Ethical Boundaries between Children and Parents

Description - Choose one of the following vignettes below to consider possible ethical issues that may occur when working with children and their families. Write a 5 to 7-page response to either case answering each of the key points listed below:

As you consider the case describe any ethical issues that you can identify and be sure to cite the portions of the AAMFT ethics code that seem relevant.

Describe your decision making process to reach your therapeutic decisions. Be sure to use your MFT treatment theory to help you assess what to do.

Discuss how you will implement your choices in ways that help the clients continue to benefit from therapy.

Case 1 - At your intake session for Jimmy (age 14), you first meet with both of his parents. They report that Jimmy is a great kid, but they are worried because his grades have dropped and they think he spends too much time alone in his room. To them, he seems distant and moody; so, they are worried about the impact his behavior is having on his two younger sisters (ages 9 and 6).

After a brief break, you take a few minutes to meet with Jimmy while his parents wait in the waiting room. When you ask him about all the time he spends alone, he says it is mostly spent texting girls. While getting to know Jimmy, he also discloses that he has smoked pot a few times a week since last summer and his parents do not know. As soon as he says it, he becomes nervous and asks you not to tell his parents because they 'would kill me' if they found out.

Case 2 - During your first session with Jimmy (age 10), you take a few minutes to meet with him while his parents wait in the waiting room. They are concerned that Jimmy is too anxious, that's why they brought him to therapy. They complain that he is irritable and he seems 'depressed'. Both parents agree this has become worse over the past year, but they do not know why.

While getting to know Jimmy, he discloses that his parents regularly drink alcohol and smoke pot in the home. Sometimes he worries about being in the car with them because he has seen the ads on TV about drunk driving. Jimmy says Dad offers him pot and thinks if Jimmy would just smoke some pot, then he would be less anxious and they would not have to do this therapy thing; but he told Jimmy not to tell mom.

Reference no: EM133286966

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