Describe why each are applicable to career in management

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133339151

Describe the Goal-Setting Theory (Locke and Latham, 1991) and the Reinforcement Theory in detail.

Describe why each are applicable to a career in management.

Using one of these or both motivational theories from above as a framework, design some type of system that managers/organizations could use to motivate employees in this job. Be as detailed as possible and be sure to discuss how the components of your motivational program apply to the specific facets of each theory. (For example, if you choose Expectancy Theory, you should discuss the valence, instrumentality, and expectancy components that the motivation system will create.)

Reference no: EM133339151

Questions Cloud

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Describe why each are applicable to career in management : Describe why each are applicable to a career in management. design some type of system that managers/organizations could use to motivate employees in this job.
Discuss three leadership characteristics : Discuss three leadership characteristics that this leader possesses and provide examples of how they have demonstrated these characteristics.
Find speech using your online library or online : Find a speech using your online library or online (please site where you obtained this speech as well).
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Current events involving adverse selection or moral hazard : Identify an example of a management scenario from current events involving adverse selection or moral hazard.


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