Describe where the physician practice and the hospital fall

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133473421

Case Study: For this assignment, imagine you have accepted an administrator position at a physicians practice. One of your first tasks is to gather your team to introduce yourself and discuss operational priorities for the practice at a lunch-and-learn.


Using course resources along with a minimum of three peer-reviewed articles from the Capella LibraryLinks to an external site., complete the assignment template linked below to address the items that follow. The Health Care Administration Undergraduate Program Library Guide has a section on continuum of careLinks to an external site. with suggestions on how to and where to search for peer reviewed articles on this topic as well background information links.

Question 1: Describe where the physician practice and the hospital fall on the continuum of patient care.

Question 2: Analyze how providers at each location try to return their patients to their highest level of functioning.

Question 3: Explain how a physician practice communicates with the hospital to foster high-quality, efficient, and effective patient care.

Question 4: Analyze three peer-reviewed articles that each discuss one of the topics above.

Question 5: Description or summary presents the what of the article, but analysis will pursue the question of so what?

Question 6: Why do these ideas matter and/or how are these ideas connected?
What are the potential gaps or questions that remain?
Please use the Week 3 Assignment Template [DOCX] Download Week 3 Assignment Template [DOCX]to organize your paper with the following headings:


Reference no: EM133473421

Questions Cloud

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Describe where the physician practice and the hospital fall : Describe where the physician practice and the hospital fall on the continuum of patient care. - BHA4003 CU Managing Quality
What tips do you think would most help folks : What tips do you think would most help folks when they find themselves unsure of how to read nonverbal communication?
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How does verbal behavior tie in with verbal operants : How does verbal behavior tie in with verbal operants (e.g., mands, tacts, intraverbals, textual). Give 2 specific examples of different operants.
Discuss different surveys used by criminal justice agencies : Select 5 different surveys used by criminal justice agencies. Make sure the surveys are blank and have not been completed by respondents.


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