Describe what you think the bill character ought to do

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Reference no: EM133380610

Consider the following video in which I describe variations on two thought experiments commonly associated with the literature on utilitarianism:

Create a discussion post in which you develop an argumentative response to the following prompt: Describe what you think the 'Bill' character ought to do in each scenario. Should he kill a prisoner? Should he kill the orderly? Try to detail the primary reasons that lead you to your conclusion. Do you find that utilitarianism, as you understand it, matches up with your intuitions in either or both of these cases? If not, how might you modify utilitaranism to better capture your intuitions?

Reference no: EM133380610

Questions Cloud

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Describe what you think the bill character ought to do : Describe what you think the Bill character ought to do in each scenario. Should he kill a prisoner? Should he kill the orderly?
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