Describe what you see as the advantages and disadvantages

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM133458083

Do you believe children/adults have one intelligence or many intelligences? Why? Describe what you see as the advantages and disadvantages of ability grouping (both within class and between class) Thinking about Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences, describe what you believe your strengths and weaknesses are in terms of his intelligences. Your initial post is due Wednesday and should be 300 words. You are also required to reply to two of your peers, with 100 words per each reply. Peer replies are due Sunday.

Reference no: EM133458083

Questions Cloud

What is 1 key moment that stands out : what is 1 key moment that stands out, and how did it affect you? This key moment could be from any point in your life, and it could be from your academic
Is it possible to have a factorial within-subjects design : Is it possible to have a factorial within-subjects design? If so, give an example. and explain in detail. 2. Should you be more concerned or less concerned
Strengths and weaknesses of behaviorism : Please provide a detailed explanation on the strengths and weaknesses of behaviorism and relate it to real life.
What type of soldier was metias : What type of soldier was Metias, was he able to think for himself, what did he mean when he told her that people rarely kill for the right reasons?
Describe what you see as the advantages and disadvantages : Do you believe children/adults have one intelligence or many intelligences? Why? Describe what you see as the advantages and disadvantages of ability grouping
Identify theories or key ideas about social work : Identify 2 theories or key ideas about social work that we have discussed in class that resonate with you.
How you will display the virtues of a successful team player : Explain how you will display the virtues of a successful team player. How will you establish a culture of identifying, hiring, and developing successful team
Explain how your social problem affects : Explain how your social problem affects individuals. * Explain how your social problem affects the whole of society * Explain how your social problem affects
Is it possible that an attachment style formed : Is it possible that an attachment style formed with the primary caregiver during infancy may change as the child grows older? If so, what might lead


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