Reference no: EM131852185
Background Information
In the process of discovering oneself, often times it comes expressly through an examination of our race and culture. The definition of ethnicity is the identity with or membership in a particular racial, national, or cultural group and observance of that group's customs, beliefs, and language. Many minority groups in the United States maintain strong ethnic identity; especially in cities, immigrants are often attracted to ethnic communities established by people from their own country, communities in which many traditional cultural features are maintained. Thus, this is why America is called a "melting pot". The definition of multiculturalism is consisting of, relating to, or designed for the cultures of several different races...meaning... the policy of maintaining a diversity of ethnic cultures within a community. In trying to understand these two definitions in more relatable terms, one should be able to explore some elements of literary culture that everyone enjoys; music.
1. Pick a song that provides imagery of ethnicity or multiculturalism.
- The song should focus on race, class, gender or culture. It should have the tenets of being discriminated against, hopeful for the future, sign of the times etc. You want to find something that expresses the singers feeling about race, gender or culture.
2. Print or write down the lyrics (This is for you; you will not need copies for the class).
3. Analyze the lyrics and try to describe what you feel the song writer is trying to say.
4. Research and include in your paper, the year in which the song was written and/or released. Include the societal views on race, gender and culture during the time of your song.
5. In the written paper, be sure to use the lyrics to prove your assertions.
6. You want to compare the year the song was written or released to society now in 2018. Are the lyrics relevant to today?
Part I.
The written portion of the assignments should be as follows:
- Times New Roman font size 12 point
- 300-500 words
- MLA formatting (Purdue University Owl writing lab)
- It is your description of how race, class, gender or culture is exhibited through your song. With your description, you are giving your readers an interpretation of how the songs characteristics show relevance to race, class, gender or culture and how it relates to 2018.
Part II.
The Power Point/Prezi/Photo Peach portion of the assignment should be as follows:- A slide presentation with a pleasing background and easy to read font. You can be creative, but please be tasteful.
- You must have at least 15 slides.
- You must include could be on the artist who sings the song, images of what they are singing about and/or the societal sign of the times.
- One slide must have the lyrics on it.
- You should be able to verbally articulate what you have written in your paper. YOU WILL NOT READ FROM YOUR PAPER!!!
- You will receive bonus points for the actual song in the presentation (if there is profanity, please edit)