Describe what the value represents in practical terms

Assignment Help Algebra
Reference no: EM131017319

A rental company charges $40.00 a day plus $0.34 per mile to rent a moving truck. The total cost, y, for a day's rental if x miles are driven is described by y = 0.34x + 40. A second company charges $32.00 a day plus $0.44 per mile, so the daily cost, y, if x miles are driven is described by y = 0.44x + 32. The graphs of the two equations are shown in the same rectangular coordinate system.

759_The graphs of the two equations.png

a. Determine from the graph the x-coordinate of the intersection point of the two graphs.

Describe what this x-coordinate means in practical terms. Choose the correct answer below.

A. Both companies charge the same for 80 miles driven.
B. Both companies charge the $80 for the same number of miles driven.
C. The maximum amount of miles that can be driven is 80.
D. The maximum amount that both companies charge is $80.

b. Substitute the x-coordinate of the intersection point from part a into one of the two equations.

Find the corresponding value for y.

y = ?

Describe what this value represents in practical terms. Choose the correct answer below.

A. Both companies charge $67.20 for 80 miles driven.
B. Both companies always charge more than $67.20.
C. Both companies alyways charge less than $67.20.
D. Both companies charge $67.20 for 67 miles driven.

Reference no: EM131017319

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