Reference no: EM131040613
"Chasing ice"" Worksheet
Complete the following questions based off of the documentary "Chasing Ice".
1. Do you believe in global warming? Why or why not?
2. What is normal behavior for glaciers during the winter versus the summer months?
3. What is the EIS? What is the projects main goal? In which countries did they set up cameras?
4. What is calving? How does global warming effect the rate of calving events?
5. Why was James Balog a skeptic of global warming?
6. Explain what the "record in the ice cores is". How do we use this to study climate change?
7. What are other impacts or changes in the environment are we seeing due to climate change?
8. Describe what the "steroid" metaphor means.
9. Where does the "black dirt" seen in Greenland come from? What does it create? What can you see in these holes?
10. How much could sea level rise? How many people could be displaced?
11. What is the U.S. media's opinion on climate change from the news clips shown?
12. What is the most productive glacier? What is it rumored to have caused?
13. Which glacier retreat was the most shocking to you during the presentation that James Balog gives? Why?
14. James Balog is doing everything he can to expose the truths about melting glaciers around the world. Who else needs to address this issue? What needs to be done to reduce climate change?
15. State three conclusions (take home message) from the movie
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