Describe what technology or event they are referring to

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133735025


1. Describe what technology or event they are referring to?

2. What influence did these actions or ideas have on these technologies or events?

3. What is the contemporary or modern state of these ideas or technologies?

  • Waiting on tender hooks for human urine to grow stale
  • Throwing knuckleballs at the Prussian army
  • Riding a horse side saddle on your way to the voting booth
  • Determining where you are by using a log and sand.
  • Challenging the idea of multiples with a melting chocolate bar
  • Counting on your fingers all the way to IBM
  • Sawing a board using water and a tree branch
  • Smelling sweet scented plants disguised as a bird
  • Explaining how jumping frogs' legs helped create a monster
  • Helping three sisters work together
  • From an ornate silk robe using cards to programming IBM
  • Unfortunately proving Don Cherry right
  • Tracing the where, how and why that He travelled
  • Setting your alarm using a candle and a nail
  • Launching the automobile industry with a garter
  • Designing a technology based on a horse's rear-end.
  • Gaining a handle by losing a handle in stopping a disease
  • Breaking up the alphabet to speed things up and entrench them
  • Showing how a girl milking a cow saved millions from disfigurement
  • Putting one additional ewe out to pasture because it wouldn't hurt anybody
  • Recommending celibacy to check wars
  • Not bothering to plant barley in your field to make it more productive
  • Digging up your dirt floor as a prelude to war
  • Knowing where you are by consulting your watch

Reference no: EM133735025

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