Describe what personal and professional challenges you face

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Reference no: EM133632904

Discussion Post: Neurobiology of Crisis

In this post, we'll explore the neurobiology of crisis, as well as theories and skills for crisis counseling. The neurobiology of the brain is both adaptive and maladaptive and understanding this duality can help with healing. Theories offer clinicians an increased understanding of the human reactions to crisis, as well as what options we have in crisis intervention. Here are some ideas for your post to get you started:

Question I. Summarize the contributions of at least two counseling theories that you can relate to as you prepare yourself for how you will take care to avoid vicarious traumatization or second-hand trauma. Post the PDF of your completed Crisis Intervention Theories and Models matching exercise and use this to guide your discussion.

Question II. Describe what personal and professional challenges you might face in dealing with client crises and how you will implement effective self-care practices. Do you have a self-care plan in place?

Question III. Learning about the neurobiological effects of trauma can feel daunting. After all, we are counselors and not neuroscientists. However, we are in a unique position to help our clients understand more about their brains and the effects of trauma. What would you include in your counseling and how would you do this?

Question IV. What about content did you find to be of most interest?

Reference no: EM133632904

Questions Cloud

Discusses regulatory challenges faced in acute care settings : Analyze and critique positively " The passage discusses the regulatory challenges faced in acute care settings, particularly hospitals.
What is the effect on productivity and worker satisfaction : How does it use these principles and what is the effect on productivity and worker satisfaction? Is one approach more beneficial than the other?
How do you view your future role as a school counselor : Prepare a substantive response to the following: How do you view your future role as a school counselor around social emotional learning at a school site?
What measures might the researcher take to prevent : Provide an example of a way in which a researcher in counseling could find themselves. What measures might the researcher take to prevent this from happening?
Describe what personal and professional challenges you face : Describe what personal and professional challenges you might face in dealing with client crises and how you will implement effective self-care practices.
How the social environment has contributed to the challenges : Include a summary and analysis of the overall challenges experienced by the client and how the social environment has contributed to those challenges.
Describe insights you gained from the experience : Reflect on your experience in doing role-play. Describe insights you gained from the experience and explain how these insights affect your approach to practice.
Describe potential practice problem including background : Describe a potential practice problem including background, relevance, and significance
Cultural competency for behavioral health professionals : Think Cultural Health Improving Cultural Competency for Behavioral Health Professionals and reflect on what you learn throughout the process.


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