Describe what is downward solution

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133050

Question 1

a) Briefly describe the following type of environments: Deterministic and Static

b) Illustrate by means of a diagram to represent how an agent interacts with its environment through sensors and effectors

c) Distinguish between a goal-based agent and a utility-based agent. Illustrate your answer by means of diagrams

d) Differentiate between depth-limited search and Iterative deepening search

Question 2

a) Search strategies are evaluated along four main dimensions. Name those dimensions and briefly describe each one

b) Explain when a sentence is said to be valid and satisfiable

c) Automated reasoning systems come in several flavours, each designed to address different kinds of problems. Name the four main categories and briefly explain each category

Question 3

a) The designers of Prolog made a number of implementation decisions designed to provide a simple, fast execution model. Describe three implementation decisions

b) In Logical Reasoning Systems, a production system can be implemented with a Theorem Prover, using resolution to do forward chaining over a full first-order knowledge base. However, a more restricted language can provide greater efficiency because the branching factor is reduced

Describe three features of a typical production system

c) The Conflict Resolution Phase can be thought of as control strategy, describe four types of such strategy

d) Describe what is downward solution

Question 4

a) Explain what is Multiple Inheritance in semantic network systems

b) STRIPS operators in Representations for actions consist of three components. Name each component, together with a small description

c) Name the three main approaches to dealing with possible threats, when planning with partially instantiated operators

d) Explain what is back-jumping and dependency-directed backtracking?

Reference no: EM133050

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