Describe what information you agree with and the parts

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133330330

Locate a real-world business issue or solution video located in Ted Talk Videos Select a different Ted Talk if you have responded to this question in a previous internship course.

Discussion Question 
1. Select a TED Talk video relevant to the business course you are currently enrolled in and/or your internship assignment.
2. Describe what information you agree with and the parts you liked or disliked in the video content.
3. Summarize it for the weekly discussion and include the URL reference.

Provide the references for your explanation

Reference no: EM133330330

Questions Cloud

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Analyse the organisations approach to managing : Strategic Human Resource Management, IDENTIFYING TWO areas of HRM practice that you feel NEED IMPROVEMENT. You must ANALYSE the organisation's approach
Is technology a serious threat to privacy : Is Technology a Serious Threat to Privacy? Modern technologies became a vital resource that influences human activities, especially communication.
Describe what information you agree with and the parts : Select a TED Talk video relevant to the business course you are currently enrolled in and/or your internship assignment.
Explain the issues behind the impact of workplace diversity : Explain the issues behind the impact of workplace diversity. What are some proposed solutions or methodology for this issue?
How did the study use the data they acquired : How did the study use the data they acquired? (CH12) Discuss the findings and address any challenges you see from the study?
Scanning the news, a plethora of stories : Scanning the news, a plethora of stories have been written in the last six months that relate to the topics and issues from Chapters 9 and 10. Wrongful
Benefits of proper communication in marketing : Marketing, basically is a process or an activity of creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging products and services to the customers, clients.


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