Describe what identifies that organization or part

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133426816

Questions: This assignment requires students to look at an innovative organization that they personally find interesting and perhaps inspiring.

  • Select an organization from the following list - that you feel demonstrates sustained innovation. (Starbucks)
  • Find information about the organization - you may wish to interview employees, or do some primary-source research about the organization (e.g. through company reports). It is okay to focus on only one innovative aspect of an organization that, in other respects, is not innovative.
  • Describe what identifies that organization or part of that organization as innovative in your estimation.
  • Write a formal paper describing what contributed to that organization being innovative. Identify underlying concepts, techniques, and processes that set this innovative organization apart from other similar organizations.
  • Provide hypothetical arguments or generalizations as to why you feel this organization is innovative, based on both the innovative blocks they avoid and the organizational attributes they demonstrate.
  • Your paper should be 1,000 words, excluding the title page and reference page.
  • A minimum of four references should be included.


Reference no: EM133426816

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