Describe what are the familiar settings in this genre

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Reference no: EM133484099

Question 1. In three paragraphs discuss what is your favorite genre? Describe what are the familiar settings in this genre and what are some of the familiar problems faced with the characters in this genre? Have you noticed how this genre has changed from the present to the past decades?

Question 2. Historically, film has had a poor track record in diversity and have been negligent in including people of color, women, LGBTQ individuals, and those with disabilities on-screen and off-screen. Hollywood is the biggest exporter of culture, yet has long ignored the importance of diversity since its creation (Burgin 2018). The roots of the industry involve systemic, institutionalized racist practices, "whether its appearing in disparaging roles or not appearing at all, minorities are the victim of an industry that relies on old ideas to appeal to the "majority" at the expense of the insignificant minority" (Horton, Price, and Brown 1999).

In this current day and age, Hollywood continues to exclude people of color from television and film. Within the industry, there is this dynamic of white America being the majority owners and majority movers and shakers of creative ideas in Hollywood (Burgin 2018). Prominent African American filmmaker, Spike Lee, has long been a voice championing the importance of showcasing the positive realities of the black experience. Although the Oscars have recently spotlighted the void in recognizing diverse works, Lee recognizes the problem is larger than the award show. He noted: "As I see it, the Academy Awards is not where the 'real' battle is. It's in the executive office of the Hollywood studios and TV and cable networks. This is where the gatekeepers decide what gets made and what gets jettisoned...This is what's important. Those with 'the green light' vote"

What do you think contributes to the lack of diversity in front of the camera and behind the camera in today's films? What message do you think is conveyed when there is a diversity gap in important areas of our lives? Finally, what do you think Spike Lee is saying?

Question 3. The way that we see the world is shaped by our experiences. The more diverse people you meet, the less likely you are to make generalizations based on stereotypes.

The word stereotype is an interesting term. It is a prejudicial or oversimplified generalization about one group of people based on the characteristics of a few members of that group.

Because of its ability to present moving images, film has played a major role in perpetuating stereotypes. Film, like any other form of art, reflects the culture of the society and at the same time, contributes to that culture; it embodies the society's values, beliefs, and social structure and assists in transmitting culture to mass audiences.

How do stereotypes affect the way people are perceived? Do you think that Hollywood still relies on negative stereotypes in the films or have things progressed at all in terms of racial stereotypes? Do you think that these stereotypes affect the way people view, behave or perceive themselves?

Finally, do Hollywood filmmakers have a responsibility to create truthful portrayals of characters in film? Use at least three examples from any films that you have seen to support your argument.

Question 4. There are two films in this module, My Man Godfrey and Sunset Blvd. Select one of them.You should view the film at least twice. Take notes as you go and pause and replay scenes that you don't understand or that you find particularly interesting.

Then, in a seven page paper analyze and respond to these three concepts: Narrative, Historical Context and Reaction. I strongly suggest you use "Narrative", Historical Context" and "Reaction" as headers in your paper. This may help you be sure to to include all elements for a successful paper. For minimum credit respond to each header. More developed responses will receive higher scores.

Reference no: EM133484099

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