Reference no: EM133828222
Question 1: Evaluate the roles of employees and employers in determining employment relationships, highlighting at least six strong points.
Use a minimum of three slides for this section.
Describe the concept of employment discrimination under U.S. law, highlighting at least six strong points.
Use a minimum of three slides for this section.
Describe types of employment discrimination, highlighting at least six strong points. Get your assignment done Now!
Use a minimum of three slides for this section.
Describe the problem of retaliation in the workplace and employment laws to prevent it, highlighting at least six strong points.
Use a minimum of three slides for this section.
Use at least three sources to support your writing. You may include your textbook as a source. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source at least once within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.
Your presentation must also meet these requirements:
Include a cover slide and a sources slide. These slides do not count toward the slideshow presentation total.
Follow SWS formatting guidelines for PowerPoints or slideshows.
Create a coherent, clear, and organized presentation for a professional audience, using substantive content, and appropriate and effective images, colors, and font styles and sizes.
Create speaker notes for each slide of the presentation that demonstrates an understanding of the intended audience and familiarity with the material.