Describe type of replication

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13930527

This project will challenge you to set up replication on your SQL Server installation. Every step to complete this process is not

laid out for you here. Complete the steps and document your choices throughout the process with screen shots and


1.Begin by enabling your SQL Server 2000 installation for replication by using the "Configure Publishing, Subscribers, and

Distribution" selection from the Tools->Replication menu item.

o Provide explanations of your process and provide a screen shot of the last wizard frame.

2.Create a publication by opening the "Create and Manage Publications" wizard from the Tools->Replication menu item.

o You should select Snapshot replication as the type of replication.

o You should publish the Region and Shippers tables from the Northwind database.

3.Create a subscription by opening the "Create and Manage Publications" wizard from the Tools->Replication menu item.

o The "Push New Subscription" option should be available. Select this option.

o Create a new destination database for the subscription called nWindSubscriber.

o Be sure to take a screen shot of the last wizard frame.

4. Demonstrate replication by adding a couple of rows to both the Region and Shippers tables in the Northwind database.

o Verify that replication occurred by opening the nWindSubscriber database you created and opening the Region and Shippers

tables and seeing if the rows you added appear in the other database.

o If the rows are not present, make sure the Snapshot Agent was started.

o Provide screen shots of the nWindSubscriber tables with the new rows added, as well as a screen shot of the "Latest History of

Snapshot Agent" window, it should show the articles generated


Reference no: EM13930527

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