Describe two of the prominent perspectives and approache use

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Reference no: EM133586537

Assignment: General Psychology

Question I. Define and explain the following various psychology research methods and their advantages and disadvantages. Cite the page number/s in the text book where you found the answer for each (1-5)

Question 1. Define: Experimental Research method its advantages and disadvantages

Question 2. Define: Correlational Researchmethod its advantages and disadvantages

Question 3. Define: Quasi-experimental Research method its advantages and disadvantages

Question 4. Define: Clinical Method Research its advantages and disadvantages

Question 5. Define Psychology

Question II. Describe the two historical influences and early schools of thought that shaped the field of psychology. Cite the page number/s where you found your answer.

Question III. Describe two of the prominent perspectives and approaches used in the study of psychology. Cite the page number/s where you found your answer.

Question IV. Use terminology unique to the study of psychology (select 2 and define). Cite the page number/s where you found your answer.

Question V. Describe two accepted approaches and standards in psychological assessment and evaluation. Cite the page number/s where you found your answer.

Question VI. Identify factors in physiological and psychological processes involved in human behavior.

Reference no: EM133586537

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