Reference no: EM132407849
"Role of Law in Society" Please respond to the following:
From the e-Activity, describe two major functions of law in the U.S. Discuss the success and failure of law in fulfilling your two chosen functions of law in our society. Provide two examples of such success and failure to support your rationale.
Examine three relative roles of law in our society from Chapter 1 of the text. Discuss members of society's level of willingness to follow the law in these roles. Provide a rationale for your response.
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To begin, the text tells us that, "...Contrary to much popular belief, America is not the most litigious nation in the world" (Carp R. A., Stidham R. & Manning K.L., 2014). For every 1,000 people in the United States 74.5 pursue litigation, however, for Germany it is 123.2, and 96.8 in Israel (Carp R. A. et al., 2014). One reason that the U.S. may present a lower numbers of documented litigations is because there is an active effort within the U.S. courts to investigate and abate frivolous, misrepresented cases. Also, there are federal "rules" that forbid one from filing a frivolous lawsuit against another.
One reason for these lawsuits is that some people just possess a devious desire to obtain favor and monetary gain by misbegotten means. Meaning, some individuals possess an exploitative nature which may seek a monetary increase by the means of an unprincipled lawsuit. Another reason for this phenomenon is that once groups of culturally diverse individuals convene, differences grow into disputes which seek their resolve within the courts (Carp R. A. et al., 2014). In regards to American culture, the courts have been looked to as institutions that both punish crimes, and provide civil order.
In response to this litigation mania to U.S. Supreme Court handed down significant decisions which, "...Reaffirmed the imposition of large fines on those filing specious lawsuits..." (Carp R. A. et al., 2014).