Describe two evidence-based interventions

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Reference no: EM133564229

Questions for critical analysis and application of theory

1. Based on your case conceptualisation, identify counselling goals either DBT OR MI for Joanna and devise a relevant treatment plan. Outline how you would implement this plan with Joanna, identifying any challenges you may face and how you would overcome these barriers. Please provide specific examples and include references to the evidence-based literature, with adherence to academic writing standards.

2. Describe two evidence-based interventions either DBT OR MI you would attempt with her and outline your reasons for choosing these two. Ensure your interventions are congruent with your theoretical approach. Please provide specific examples and include references to the evidence-based literature, with adherence to academic writing standards.

Reference no: EM133564229

Questions Cloud

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Describe the clinical presentation of a person : Describe clinical presentation of person with abnormal pathology related to Serotonin. Describe one DSM-5 criterionthis related to this clinical presentation.
Describe two evidence-based interventions : Describe two evidence-based interventions either DBT OR MI you would attempt with her and outline your reasons for choosing these two
Describe the four stages for purchasing equipment : List at least five sections that are commonly included in a procurement management plan. Describe what is included in each section.
Differences between the new reimbursement models : Outline the differences between the new reimbursement models and prior traditional models: capitated payments, fee-for-service
What the nurse monitor for when giving the drugs to patients : Identify two drugs that have received the black box warning from FDA information. Discuss what the nurse should monitor for when giving these drugs to patients.
What would you expect this patients igm and igg : A patient developed swollen salivary and parotid glands yesterday. The doctor thinks that the patient has mumps. What would you expect this patient's IgM


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