Describe two different ways to represent a birthday register

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM131267490

Question 1: The following code is meant to find the largest item of a list, but the lines are out of order. The following code is meant to define such a function, but the lines are out of order. In your answer put the line numbers in the correct order and introduce appropriate indentation (indent the line numbers to show how the corresponding lines would be indented in your code). Do not write the entire corrected program in your answer.

1 if number > largest:

2 numbers = [3, 5, 2, 1, 4]

3 print largest

4 largest = number

5 for number in numbers:

6 largest = 0

Question 2 : Describe two different ways to represent a birthday register, i.e. the names of your friends and their birth dates. Assume that none of your friends have the same name, but that it is possible for two or more of them to share the same birthday. Do not represent the date as a string. Show how the following data would be represented in both models.

2/Jan Asimov

3/Jan Tolkien

18/July Mandela

18/July Branson

Question 3: Explain the purpose of the following code:

d = {}

for x in open("data.txt").read().split():

if x not in d:

d[x] = 0

d[x] += 1

Question 4: Consider the following code: 1. signFlag = False

2. evenFlag = False

3. inputstr = raw_input("Enter two numbers: ")

4. num1 = int(inputstr.split(", ")[0])

5. num2 = int(inputstr.split(", ")[1])

6. if num1 < 0 and num2 = 0 and num2 >= 0:

10. sign = 'positive'

11. signFlag = True

12. if num1%2 == 0 and num2%2 == 0:

13. num = 'even'

14. evenFlag = True

15. if num1%2 != 0 and num2%2 != 0:

16. num = 'odd'

17. evenFlag = True

18. if signFlag and evenFlag:

19. print num1, 'and', num2, 'are both', sign, 'and', num

20. elif signFlag:

21. print num1, 'and', num2, 'are both', sign

22. elif evenFlag:

23. print num1, 'and', num2, 'are both', num

24. else:

25. print num1, 'and', num2, 'have nothing in common'

--Assume that the input is "-12, 14". Using the given line numbers in this code (at the far left of the listing) list the order (by writing down the line number order) that the code will be executed.

--What is the output for the input "-12, -14"?

--What is the output for the input "-3, 9"?

--Explain in detail what the program does.

Question 5: Write a function file_length(filename) which takes the name of a file as its only parameter, and returns an integer specifying the number of lines in the file.

Reference no: EM131267490

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