Reference no: EM132933888
Q. An employer refused to hire a very qualified person with dark skin colour and instead hires someone less qualified but has fairer skin because he believes that clients do not trust dark skinned people to take care of them.
What type of discrimination was evident in this case? What legislation may have been breached?
Q. The HR Manager recruiting for an Administration Officer did not consider applications from people who are mature age as she believes younger applicants will learn new things better than older people. This is why the advertisement specified only recent graduates to apply.
What type of direct discrimination and indirect discrimination were evident in this recruitment practice? What legislation may be potentially breached?
Q. Describe at least two types of work planning and practice that support diversity in the workplace.
Q. Describe two barriers to inclusivity in the workplace.
Q. When planning activities for diverse clients, provide at least two ways to ensure the activities are effective and equitable.
Q. To work effectively in a diverse workplace, you must recognise and understand characteristics that make people different.
Refer to the different areas of diversity in the table below and list some characteristics of each area in relation to diversity.
Diversity area Characteristics
5.Religious and spiritual beliefs
8.Sexual orientation /sexual identity - lesbian, gay, bisexual, heterosexual
Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y