Describe time when you impacted by leadership communication

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133606161

Discussion Post: Introduction & Leadership Impacts

Communication from leadership and management has significant effects within an organizational setting. The decisions that leaders make can have a tremendous impact on worker satisfaction and morale, for better or for worse.

In your initial post, introduce yourself and describe a time when you were impacted by a leadership communication or a decision in an organization that you are familiar with. Consider what the decision or communication was and how it impacted your day-to-day role or tasks. Additionally, consider how the communication impacted how you felt, or how it shaped your impression of the organization.

In your response posts to at least two of your peers, address the following:

Question 1. Explain how the examples your peers described are similar to your own example. Discuss why you think those elements of leadership and management might be effective for the organization.

Question 2. Explain one to two similarities or differences between your leadership experience and your peers' experiences.

Reference no: EM133606161

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