Describe three major characteristics of your audience

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131496684

Assignment: Research Proposal - Thesis, Major Points, and Plan

Select a topic on which your persuasive writing paper will be focused.

Write a one to two page research proposal in which you:

1. it. Identify the topic you selected and explain two reasons for using Include a defensible, relevant thesis statement in the first paragraph. 2.

3. Describe three major characteristics of your audience (official position, decision¬making power, current view on topic, other important characteristic).

4. Describe the paper's scope and outline the major sections.

5. Identify and explain the questions to be answered.

6. Explain your research plan, including the methods of researching and organizing research.

7. Document at least three primary sources and three secondary sources.

Use credible, academic sources available through Strayer University's Resource Center. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting guidelines: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one¬inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school specific format.

Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

You selected 3 topics out of the 33 topic list for Assign 1. For this paper, Assign 2, you need to further narrow it down to one topic, and write a research proposal on it. A suggestion here: Please take your time to think and choose your topic with careful consideration as this is the topic you'll be working on for the rest of the term. So choose a topic you are passionate about, interested in, care for, and curious to learn more about.

The first three questions here, you've already answered them in Assign 1. Just be a little more detailed and in depth about the questions.

Question 4 about the paper's scope:

1. Describe the paper's scope and outline the major sections.

This refers to what your paper/research will cover and what it will not.

For example, let's say you've taken up "Should the instant replay used in the NFL be applied to other sports are you limiting your paper to any specific sports or are you discussing all? Another example: "Should regulations for home schools be changed?"

2. Would your research cover all of America, or do you want to restrict yourself to home schooling regulations of any particular state/states? It's always a good idea to define the boundaries of your research paper; this question helps you to do that.

3. Identify and explain the questions to be answered.

If any question[s] intrigue you/trouble you about your topic, please share that and hopefully you'll find answers in your research.

4. Explain your research plan, including the methods of researching and organizing research. This refers to how you plan to do research to write the paper: using Strayer's databases (Ebscohost, Proquest etc), GoogleScholar, etc would come under this. If you intend to interview people or conduct a survey for this research, please include those here as all these would come under 'Methods of Research'. Finally, you need to identify sources that you'd use in your paper. Like I said for Assign 1, I need you to write this paper on your own, so no need for in text and reference citations. However, you do need to identify 6 sources (in the APA format). I'm not making a distinction between primary and secondary sources, so if it's a reliable, good source and relevant to the point you're making, please go ahead and use it.

Reference no: EM131496684

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