Describe three macroeconomic variables in the united states

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM131144797


This milestone, which covers Sections I and II of Final Project Part II, is a paper structured as follows:

1. Provide an overview consisting of a brief description of the chosen company, your chosen product or service, and annual sales.

2. Describe three macroeconomic variables in the United States that impact the supply and demand of your chosen product or service.

3. Using graphs in Excel, interpret the trends of the three selected macroeconomic variables for the past three years.

4. Based on the trends of the three macroeconomic variables, assess how the trends will impact the supply and demand of your chosen product or service. Include all calculations in an Excel file.

Reference no: EM131144797

Questions Cloud

Determine how you will price your product or service : Determine how you will price your product or service. Talk about how you expect to remain competitive with your pricing and still earn a return on your investment. How will your product price compare to the competition? Don't forget to take all of..
Modern civilization : What does Benedict mean when she says, “Modern civilization, from this point of view, becomes not a necessary pinnacle of human achievement but one entry in a long series of possible adjustments”?
Explain the presence of precautionary or buffer-stock saving : Do these assumptions, in your opinion, bring the model closer to or further from the world as you know it?
Internal scan-utilizing the financial ratios spreadsheet : Internal Scan – what are the internal strengths and weaknesses of Spirit Airlines relative to critical success factors, the competition, and the environment? (Include financial ratios, utilizing the Financial Ratios Spreadsheet provided under Course ..
Describe three macroeconomic variables in the united states : Describe three macroeconomic variables in the United States that impact the supply and demand of your chosen product or service. Using graphs in Excel, interpret the trends of the three selected macroeconomic variables for the past three years.
Why investment expenditure increase as interest rate decline : Explain why the following investment expenditures increase as the interest rate declines? (Be precise and to the point. Your assignment must be 130 words or less).
What interest rate would be needed on pound securities : What interest rate would be needed on pound securities, such as government bonds, for you to be willing to buy those securities with your dollars today and then sell them in a year in exchange for dollars?
Which view do you agree with and why : Which view do you agree with and why? Share an example from your work experience to support your viewpoint.
Determine whether your approach will be market penetration : Determine whether your approach will be market penetration, development, diversification, consolidation, or strategic alliances. Are you the market leader, a challenger, a follower, or are you creating a market niche?


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