Describe the verbal communication

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131304811

In the Discussion you shared your consumer buying decision factors in line with your Chapter Reading. In this Assignment you will address what is commonly referred to as B2B marketing (e.g., business to business) covered in your Chapter  Reading and the Learning Activity. An example of B2B marketing would be: Your business markets a bolt used in a bicycle manufacturer's racing bikes which in turn are sold to consumers.

In this Assignment, you will engage in the development of the following professional competency:

Verbal Communication

This competency also is critical to your success in most jobs. Whether by phone, recorded presentation, in person, or via video conferencing or chat, your ability to articulate a message or piece of information in a clear, concise, and professional manner can distinguish you from your peers and/or competition.

In this Assignment, you will create an audiovisual presentation to verbally market a product to another business rather than to consumers.

I will do the audio portion of th presentation after all the information is complete.

Reference no: EM131304811

Questions Cloud

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Describe the verbal communication : Describe the Verbal Communication.Discussion you shared your consumer buying decision factors in line with your Chapter Reading. In this Assignment you will address what is commonly referred to as B2B marketing.
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How does construction set fet device parameters : how does construction set FET device parameters, how FETs are built, and reasoning behind the constant push for smaller and smaller gates - What is the surface charge distribution ρsb on the outer conductor?
Discuss the likely savings or borrowings pattern : Divide a person's life ages 20 to 70 into 10-year segment and discuss the likely savings or borrowings pattern during each period?
How is the rate improved if we double the bandwidth : We have a channel with 4 KHz bandwidth. If we want to send data at 100 Kbps, what is the minimum SNRdB? What is the SNR?


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