Describe the various unix run levels

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM132087776

The first script that needs to be written is automating the shutdown procedure. Write a script that will perform the following tasks:

Prompt the system administrator for all valid input parameters.

Ask if a wall needs to be sent, and if yes, send the message.

Ask if this is a shutdown or reboot, and process appropriately.

In addition, take this opportunity to describe the various UNIX run levels, what each level is used for, and how to boot to a specific run level.

You should also take this opportunity to create the template for your entire class project (also known as the key assignment), and create a Word document that you will add to for each remaining assignment.

Each week, you will add to this document and submit it for grading. As a preview, each section will contain the following:

UNIX Programming (Week 1 IP)

A script to automate the shutdown process

A description of UNIX run levels

UNIX Processes (Week 2 IP)

A script to automate user and group maintenance

A script to kill the processes (and session) of a user

Introduction to Perl (Week 3 IP)

A menu-driven Perl program for various UNIX commands

A discussion about Perl variables

Writing Perl Programs (Week 4IP)

A Perl program that can be used to create and drop users and groups

A discussion about Perl's usage or regular expressions

UNIX Tools (Week 5 IP)

A completed Perl program

A discussion about compiling a C program

The MS Word document should follow this format:

UNIX Systems Programming Project document shell

Title page

Course number and name

Project name

Student name


Table of contents

Use autogenerated TOC

Separate page

Maximum of 3 levels deep

Update TOC

Section headings (create each heading on a new page with "TBD" as content, except for sections listed under "Add the following new content" in the assignment description)

UNIX Programming

UNIX Processes

Introduction to Perl

Writing Perl Programs

UNIX Tools

For this week's assignment, add the following new content:

UNIX Programming

A script to automate the shutdown process

A description of UNIX run levels

Reference no: EM132087776

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