Describe the values of the two business intelligence tools

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13977460

Question 1-

• Compare and contrast benefits and challenges that exist between centralized database management systems and distributed database management systems. Identify potential business environments where each can be properly used.

• Analyze at least two considerations that would be required to ensure effective transaction transparency of centralized database management systems and distributed database management systems. Justify your response.

Question 2-

• Business intelligence tools are considered the key drivers for many organizations. Identify and evaluate at least two business intelligence tools that could be effectively used to report business performance. Justify your response.

• Estimate the costs and describe the values of the two business intelligence tools you have identified from Part 1 of this discussion based on their functionality, integrating architecture, and benefits to the enterprise. Provide your rationale.

Reference no: EM13977460

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