Reference no: EM133797144
There are several different types of theories in nursing. Grand theories look at nursing from a broad perspective of human needs. In contrast, middle-range theories are narrower in focus, and look at specific aspects of the nursing profession. Due to their narrower scope, middle-range theories are more applicable for use in actual nursing practice.
High level middle-range theories can be quite complex (for example, Benner's "Novice to Expert Theory" and Leininger's "Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality" Book Our Assignment Help Service Now). Less complex middle-range theories include Mishel's "Uncertainty in Illness Theory," Kolcaba's "Comfort Theory," and Lenz and Pugh's "Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms." Some middle-range theories are even more specifically focused. For example, Beck's "Postpartum Depression Theory" or Eakes et al.'s "Theory of Chronic Sorrow."
For this Discussion, you will identify a practice or organization issue of importance to you. Then, you select two middle-range theories and apply them to address the practice or organization issue.
To Prepare
- Reflect on your nursing practice to identify issues of particular interest or concern to you and/or your organization.
- Select one practice or organization issue on which to focus for this Discussion.
- Review the Learning Resources for this week, focusing on specific middle-range theories that may apply to the practice or organization issue that you selected.
- Select two middle-range theories that you believe are relevant and valuable in addressing the practice or organization issue you selected.
Post the following:
Question 1: Identify the practice or organization issue you selected. Explain why you chose it.
Question 2: Describe the two middle-range theories that you selected. Explain why you chose them.
Question 3: Explain how you would apply each middle-range theory to the practice or organization issue. Be specific and provide examples.