Describe the trend and discuss possible causes

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131538286

Choose a company that interests you, and for which you can find data on its annual revenue for the last 10 years.

A) Use Excel and Megastat to make an attractive, well-labeled time series line chart of the last 10 years of revenue for the company. Post this first graphic in your discussion. Adjust the Y-axis scale if necessary to show more detail. Label it Figure 1.

B) Describe the trend and discuss possible causes.

C) Fit both a linear and an exponential trend to the data. Use Excel’s option to display the equation and R2 statistic. Attach this as Figure 2.

D) Which model is better? Why?

E) Make annual forecasts for 2014-2015 using a trend model of your choice. Explain to us the model that you used, and why you chose it. Attach this as Figure 3 in your discussion thread.

Reference no: EM131538286

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