Describe the transnational crime along with an introduction

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Reference no: EM133470944

Case Study: For this assignment, you will select ONE transnational crime and TWO countries (from the six model nations: England, France, Germany, China, Japan, Saudi Arabia) in order to research the similarities and differences of the transnational crime between the two countries. Use the Internet to conduct your research.

Write a 2-3 page paper in which you:

Question 1: Describe the transnational crime along with an introduction to each of the countries being compared.

Question 2: Compare and contrast both countries' definitions of the crime, crime rates, and tools used to measure the crime.

Question 3: Determine each country's legal traditions and their major influences on crime definition, rate, and measurement.

Question 4: Examine the extent to which crime statistics compiled in different countries can adequately be compared. Provide support for the response.

Question 5: Provide at least three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not count as quality references.


Reference no: EM133470944

Questions Cloud

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Describe the transnational crime along with an introduction : Describe the transnational crime along with an introduction to each of the countries being compared. Compare and contrast both countries' definitions
What are the best approaches to administering justice : what are most pressing managerial and administrative issues facing these groups? How can these be resolved, if at all? What are the best approaches
Discuss some of the many challenges that providers face : Discuss some of the many challenges that providers and organizations face when developing a CDSS.
Provides valuable go-by that help you in ehr implementation : Provides a valuable go-by that will assist you in EHR implementation steps. Use the go-by as a foundation.
Best in understanding the research methods : Identify 2-3 concepts from the course that you are able to say helped you the best in understanding the research methods


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