Describe the tools used for collaboration and teamwork

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132745353

1. Think of a company that you currently or previously worked for or one that you are familiar with, and describe the tools used for collaboration and teamwork. Do you believe these collaboration tools are satisfactory? Why, or why not? What are some other tools that you would have wanted the company to utilize?

2. Facebook has had thousands of users complain about the lack of privacy and thousands of users have deleted their accounts on Facebook because of this issue. Facebook collects a massive amount of data from its user population and uses the data to sell advertising. Would this collection of data benefit you or Facebook? How or how not? Identify one other organization that collects your user data and discuss what they do with the information. Do you agree with how they handle the data? Why or why not?

3. Wearable technology has the potential to change the way organizations conduct business and the way people conduct their day-to-day activities. If you already use a wearable device, identify the make and model, and discuss what you use it for. Do you find it helpful? Why, or why not? If you do not use a wearable device, identify one you would use, and explain why.

4. How much do you rely on communications? When you answer this, consider the number of text messages, phone calls, and e-mails you have either sent or received in the last 24 hours from your computer or smartphone. Is the number any different from one of the days from last week? Do you think you could refrain from sending or receiving any of these types of communication for a day? Why, or why not? How reliant are you on telecommunications? Explain.

5. Imagine that you are the owner of a discount furniture company that has expanded from a rural store in one state to a chain of 20 stores stretching across the United States.

As your company has expanded, you have been considering implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution. What are at least three reasons why your company should implement such a system? Look at the other side, and think of at least two challenges that you would face when implementing an ERP.

6. The opening case in Chapter 12, "Big Data and the Internet of Things Drive Precision Agriculture," demonstrates how the effective use of data analytics can help employees and managers at all levels, in many different industries, make better decisions. Using Purdue's University College of Agriculture as an example, explain how you think this technology could help a company with which you are familiar.

7. Project management is essential for the operations in various industries such as information technology, hospitality, engineering, and others. Discuss a project you were involved in that was not successful. Explain why the project failed and what you think needed to be done to make it successful. This can be a project from work or a personal project.

8. Discuss how you can apply the concepts learned in this course to your current or future career. How might the lessons you have learned positively impact your career success?

Reference no: EM132745353

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