Reference no: EM132840655
Chivo's Banquet Hall is a landmark. It is a family-owned establishment that boasts the offerings of the Chivo family. Nearly everyone in the immediate and extended family can be found there during an event. The Chivos are very proud of their establishment. Mama Chivo, as she is called, can be found running the front-of-the-house operations. It is not uncommon to find her giving orders to her staff, hugging and kissing repeat guests, and even offering advice to attendees. She is a true old-style Mama.
Mr. Chivo runs the food. He is a proud chef. He is very passionate about his work. Occasionally he and Mama will have an argument over the best way to serve an event. Mama usually wins and Chef Chivo retreats to the kitchen.
Chef Chivo's way of ensuring customer satisfaction is by walking around the room in his chef's attire. After the food has been served, Chef Chivo works the room and stops by every table. He asks everyone at each table if they liked the event and the food. Everyone always says that everything is great. He looks at everyone's plates. If it is empty, he directly asks them if they would like more. If it has food on it he asks them what was wrong with it. He puts people directly on the spot. People almost always tell him there is no problem at all. He looks at them suspiciously and shakes his head letting them know that he is offended. Sometimes he will tell them that they need to eat more and that they look thin, even if they are not.
-Describe the tone of guest service at Chivo's Banquet Hall.
-Critique Chef Chivo's unique style of customer service.
-What are some likely reasons why the Chivos seldom hear complaints?
-If you could give the Chivos advice regarding customer service, what would it be?