Describe the tiff and jpeg bitmap graphic formats

Assignment Help Computer Graphics
Reference no: EM13774163

Directions:Please provide detailed and elaborate responses to the following questions. Your responses should include examples from the reading assignments, if possible. Your answer to each question should be at least 300 words in length and utilize APA guidelines. Please feel free to use the LIRN Library to search for information that supports your arguments.

1. List and describe the different file format types used for bitmap graphics.

2. There are a variety of techniques used by content providers to protect digital media from unlicensed duplication and use. Discuss Content Scrambling System as a DVD DRM technology.

3. Describe the TIFF and JPEG bitmap graphic formats.

4. Discuss graphics conversion as it relates to vector-to-bitmap and bitmap-to-vector conversion.

5. Contrast a Web page that uses streaming video with one that uses the alternative of downloading the entire video file before playing it. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.

6. With regard to DRM technologies and copy protection, how do you know if you are breaking the law?

Reference no: EM13774163

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