Describe the theodicy or justification of the existence

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Reference no: EM133415208

(i) Using Anselm's Ontological Arguments, find in the first paragraph the Philosophical Name of God for Anselm.

(ii) describe the analogy of the painter to explain his ontological argument.

(iii) based on the analogy of the painter, for Anselm, which one is better for God to be like a painting, to exist the painting only in the mind, or to exist in reality as well?

(B) by doing a substitution to the philosophical name of God with "GOD", rewrite the whole paragraph using "God" instead of the philosophical name of God.

. In Aquinas' Five Ways, enumerate and describe each argument on God's existence in Aquinas's Cosmological Arguments--include in your description a cosmic experience found in each argument.

4. On Aquinas' Cosmological arguments, describe THE NAMES OF GOD for Aquinas in the five cosmological arguments.

5. For personal Reflection, which argument is easier to follow - Ontological Argument or Cosmological Argument? Why?

B using this answer the following questions

Augustine on the Nature of the Good. From: Ondich, J. (2018). Words of Wisdom: Intro to Philosophy. Retrieved from the Open Textbook Library.

Using the philosophical argument of Augustine, explain "evil is a negative being" or "evil is a side-effect of the good" or "evil is the other side of the good"?
2. Using Aquinas' The Problem of Good and Evil, explain what caused evil. Can God be the cause of evil by Aquinas? Discover the role of free will in the problem of evil.

3. describe the theodicy or justification of the existence of evil by Joseph Butler and John Hick's soul-searching idea of evil using Irenaeus' understanding of evil?

4. describe two solutions of JL Mackie's on evil--what is his adequate or inadequate solution? What do you think is JL Machie's reasoning, it is acceptable or not

5. From personal Reflection, for you, why is there evil in the world? Is the problem of evil an obstacle to God's existence? If there is evil in the world, does that mean God does not exist? Explain your view

Reference no: EM133415208

Questions Cloud

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