Describe the tangent space at the identity matrix

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131106417

Honors Exam 2011 Real Analysis

Part I: Real Analysis

1. A topological space is called separable if it contains a countable dense subset.

(a) Show that euclidean space Rn is separable.

(b) Show that every compact metric space is separable.

(c) Let l be the space of bounded sequences a = {aj}j=1. We make l into a metric space by declaring

d(a, b) = supj|aj - bj|

Show that l is not separable.

2. Let {fn} be a uniformly bounded sequence of continuous functions on [a, b]. Let

Fn(x) = ax fn(t)dt

(a) Show that there is a subsequence of {Fn} that converges uniformly on [a, b].

(b) Each Fn is differentiable. Show by an example that the uniform limit in part (a) need not be differentiable.

3. Let {an}n=1 be a positive decreasing sequence an ≥ an+1 ≥ 0.

(a) Show that n=1 an converges if and only if k=02ka2^k converges.

(b) Use the result in part (a) to show that the harmonic series n=2(1/n) diverges.

(c) Use the result in part (a) to show that the series n=2(1/n(log n)p) converges for p > 1.

4. Let f be a continuous function on the closed interval [a, b].

(a) Show that

limp→∞( ab|f(x)|pdx)1/p = maxx[a,b]|f(x)|

(b) Give an example of a continuous function f on (a, b) where the improper integrals


exist (i.e. are finite) for all 1 ≤ p < ∞, but

limp→∞ (ab |f(x)|pdx)1/p = ∞

Part II: Analysis on Manifolds

1. On R3 - {0}, consider the following 2-form

ω = (x dy ∧ dz + y dz ∧ dx + z dx ∧ dy/(x2 + y2 + z2)3/2)

(a) Show that ω is closed.

(b) By explicit computation show that


does not vanish. Here, S2 ⊂ R3 is the unit sphere.

(c) Is ω exact?

2. The space M(n) of n × n matrices is a manifold naturally identified with Rn2. The subspace S(n) of symmetric matrices is a manifold naturally identified with Rn(n+1)/2. The space of orthogonal matrices is

O(n) = {A ∈ M(n) : AAT = I}

where T denotes transpose and I is the identity matrix.

(a) Show that O(n) is manifold by considering the map F: M(n) → S(n) : A |→ AAT

(Hint: it might be easier to first consider the derivative of F at the identity, and then use matrix multiplication).

(b) What is the dimension of O(n)?

(c) Describe the tangent space of O(n) at the identity matrix as a subspace of M(n).

3. Let A ⊂ Rm, B ⊂ Rn be rectangles, Q = A × B, and f: Q → R a bounded function.

(a) State necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the Riemann integral

Qf(x, y) dxdy

(b) Suppose ∫Q f(x, y) dxdy exists. Show that there is a set E ⊂ A of measure zero such that for all x ∈ A - E, the Riemann integral

{x}×Bf(x, y) dy


4. Let M be a compact, oriented manifold without boundary of dimension n, and let S ⊂ M be an oriented submanifold of dimension k. A Poincar´e dual of S is a closed (n - k)-form ηS with the property that for any closed k-form ω on M,

Mω ∧ ηS = ∫Sω

(a) Show that if ηS is a Poincar´e dual of S, so is ηS + dα for any (n - k - 1)-form α.

(b) Find a Poincar´e dual of a point.

(c) Let S ⊂ M be an embedded circle S = S1 in an oriented 2-dimensional manifold M. Find a Poincar´e dual to S (Hint: use the fact that there is a neighborhood of S in M of the form S1 × (-1, 1)).

5. Let M be a differentiable manifold. If X is a smooth tangent vector field on M, then X gives a map C(M) → C(M) on smooth functions by f |→ X(f) = df(X). Explicitly, in local coordinates x1, . . . , xn,

X = i=1nXi ∂/∂xi,                                X(f) = i=1nXi ∂f/∂xi

(a) Show that if X1 and X2 are vector fields such that X1(f) = X2(f) for all f ∈ C(M), then X1 = X2.

(b) If X, Y are vector fields on M, define the Lie bracket [X, Y] to be the vector field determined by the condition that

[X, Y](f) = X(Y (f)) - Y (X(f))

for all f ∈ C(M). Compute [X, Y] in local coordinates.

(c) Show that if N ⊂ M is a smooth submanifold of M and X, Y are two tangent vector fields to N, then [X, Y] is also tangent to N.

Reference no: EM131106417

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