Describe the symptomology of the disorder

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Reference no: EM133195174


Select the topic for your Critical Review, which is due in Week Six, and briefly analyze its key features and pathophysiology. You may select from any of the following psychiatric disorders: schizophrenia (or schizotypal disorders), bipolar disorder, depression, any of the anxiety disorders, PTSD, chronic pain disorders, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease or other movement disorder, seizures, ADD/ADHD, autism, OCD, any personality disorder, brain trauma, stroke, encephalitis, meningitis, or migraines. Other topics may be chosen, with approval of your instructor.

Other topics may be considered but require prior approval by the instructor. However, addiction is not the emphasis of the course. Critical Reviews focusing on addiction, or drugs of addiction, will not be accepted. Your paper must focus on drug treatment and not on other modes of treatment. Papers that discuss psychotherapy, other than in passing, will not be given credit. Ask your instructor for clarification.

Explain your chosen psychiatric disorder in terms of neurotransmitter and receptor theories. Describe the symptomology of the disorder and its relationship with the neurotransmitters involved. Discuss the anatomic changes seen with the disorder. Explain the relationship between neurotransmitter and anatomic features and resultant symptoms. Summarize the interaction(s) between the behavioral, neuroanatomical, and neurotransmitter changes seen within the selected disorder.

Reference no: EM133195174

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