Describe the structure that direct marketing can take

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131633851 , Length: word count:1500

Assessment Task 1

You are required to individually answer all of the following questions:

Question 1:

How would you determine whether the opportunities are likely to contribute to the business? (100-150 words)

Question 2:

Your client has identified a viable marketing opportunity and has asked you to identify and document changes needed to current operations to take advantage of this opportunity. Please write a checklist showing the criteria you have considered and the changes required in each area.

Question 3:

What factors does an organisation need to consider ensuring that organisational changes to service an increased or different customer base include provision for continued quality of service to existing customers? Provide at least five examples.

Question 4:

What resource requirements must be estimated before an organisation enters a new market? Provide at least six examples.

Question 5:

Who are eight of the key stakeholders in any organisation and what information do they need to ensure that proposed changes to current operations will be viable? (40-60 words)

Question 6:

Your organisation has committed to developing a new product for its existing markets and to entering a new market for its existing products. You have been directed to document the changes needed for one of these markets. Draft the memo which you would issue in response.

Question 7:

Describe the structure/ form that direct marketing can take. (50-75 words}

Question 8:

What are the advantages and disadvantages to an organisation of having a broad marketing mix? Provide at least two examples of each.

Question 9:

Against what kind of goals should marketing opportunities be evaluated? Provide at least five examples and briefly describe how they should be structured/ quantified

Reference no: EM131633851

Questions Cloud

Discuss your goals in employee performace appraisals : Discuss your goals in employee performace appraisals. Compare at least to existing approaches to employee evaluation. How do they address cultural differences?
Determine the impairment loss : During the annual impairment test conducted on December 31, 2011, Determine the impairment loss, if any, to be recorded on December 31, 2011
What is the quarterly mortgage payment : What are the interest repayments over the first year of life of the mortgages? What are the principal repayments? Construct a 30-year CMO using this mortgage.
Close resemblance to what protist : What sponge cell type bears a close resemblance to what protist?
Describe the structure that direct marketing can take : Your organisation has committed to developing a new product for its existing markets and to entering a new market for its existing products.
How the presentation will target this audience specifically : Explanation of how the presentation will target this audience specifically. Assignment of roles and responsibilities, with specific tasks for each team member.
How many different polypeptides could be produced : How many different polypeptides could be produced for a protein that is 180 amino acids in length? Do you expect to find all these possible protein sequences?
What is the average payment received by the fi : What is the average payment received by the FI (both principal and interest) if no prepayment is expected over the life of the loans?
What is body chemistry : What is body chemistry? Why is maintaining homeostasis so significant in biochemical reactions?



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9/8/2017 7:36:57 AM

Explain principles of marketing and marketing mix Describe statistical methods and techniques to evaluate marketing opportunities, including forecasting techniques. Comments: Learner Declaration:I declare that I have been assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I also am aware of my appeal rights. Name: _____________________ Signature: _____________________ Date: ____/_____/_____ Assessor:I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this learner, and I have provided appropriate feedback Name: _____________________ Signature: _____________________ Date: ____/_____/_____


9/8/2017 7:36:49 AM

Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities to determine whether they can meet organisational objectives Document how current business operations need to be modified, and list resources required, to take advantage of newly identified and evaluated opportunities Knowledge Evidence C/NYC Comments Describe organisational marketing plan, structure, products and services


9/8/2017 7:36:42 AM

Ensure organisational changes to service an increased or different customer base including provision for continued quality of service to existing customers Estimate resource requirements for changed operations Determine and communicate viability of making changes to current operations to key stakeholders Document newly identified marketing opportunities and required changes Performance Evidence C/NYC Comments


9/8/2017 7:36:33 AM

Assessment 2 – Assessment Evidence Checklist & Record * Learners and assessor should refer to the assessment evidence checklist & record as below: Assessment Task 2 Assessment Evidence Checklist & Record Learner’s ID: ______________________ Learner’sName: ___________________________________ Elements / Performance Criteria C/NYC Comments Describe and rank marketing opportunities on their viability, and likely contribution to the business Identify and document changes needed to current operations to take advantage of viable marketing opportunities

Write a Review

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