Describe the structure of dna

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133478864


Answer these question correctly and make sure your answer is easy to follow. I will give you a good review and excellent feedback. Do not copy and paste.

DNA dynamics (Nature of DNA)

  • Describe the structure of DNA
  • Identify the 4 nucleotides and how they are classified
  • Define hydrogen and phosphodiester bonds
  • Define melting temperature of a double stranded DNA molecule and understand how Tm influences processes like PCR
  • Understand how base composition of DNA influences melting temperature
  • Understand how energy in the form of heat and pH effect whether a DNA molecule is double or single stranded

Biobits (Central Dogma)/transcription and translation

  • Define the central Dogma
  • Define the term gene expression
  • Explain the function of transcription and translation in the process of gene expression
  • Explain what an exon, intron and promoter are and how they relate to gene expression
  • Be able to identify the start of transcription and translation of a gene
  • Compare and contrast a promoter with a start codon

What is a gene/Genome Browser lab

1. Define the term gene expression

2. Explain the function of transcription and translation in the process of gene expression

3. Explain what an exon, intron and promoter are and how they relate to gene expression

4. Compare and contrast a promoter with a start codon

5. Be able to explain what a genome browser is and the kinds of information that you can obtain from a genome browser.

  • Identify the number of genes in a particular section of DNA on a browser
  • Identify the number of exons and introns in a gene that is displayed on a genome browser
  • Identify an ORF (and describe what that is and why it is important in terms of gene expression)
  • Identify the reading frame of an exon?

Restriction enzymes

1. Describe the function of restriction enzymes

2. Be able to determine how many and the size of each fragment that would result from a restriction digest if given the size of the piece of DNA and the number of cut sites within that piece of DNA.

  • Associate certain fragment sizes with certain genotypes (like we did in the PTC lab).

Reference no: EM133478864

Questions Cloud

What will the frequency of the aa genotype be : What will the frequency of the AA genotype be? What will the frequency of the Aa genotype be?
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What frequency of the earth allele over five generations : What happened to the frequency of the earth allele over the five generations?
What is ltp or long term-potentiation : What is LTP or long term-potentiation? Describe this phenomenon in detail. How can it be used to study memory and neural underpinnings of memory formation?
Describe the structure of dna : Understand how energy in the form of heat and pH effect whether a DNA molecule is double or single stranded.
What must the genotypes of these flies be : What must the genotypes of these flies be? What genotypes and phenotypes would be in F1 ? In what proportions?
Importance of a reintroduction effort for ashes pit viper : For this discussion, approach as an op-ed piece for a local paper, dicuss the importance of a reintroduction effort for the Ashe's pit viper.
How can some phenotypes be so variable : Several traits in this lab demonstrate this. If most genes have only two alleles, how can some phenotypes be so variable?
Why there are different variations of this disorder : Explains why there are different variations of this disorder (albinism) and why it results in the same basic phenotype. Cite specific evidence.


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