Describe the structure and functions of the skeletal system

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Reference no: EM133033903

HLTAAP002 Confirm physical health status

Assessment task 1 - Knowledge questions

Question 1. Briefly describe the overall structure and functions of the following components of the human body.

a) Overall structure and functions of a human cell



b) Overall structure and functions of skeletal muscle tissue:



Question 2. Briefly describe the following four (4) major types of cellular adaptation.

a) Hyperplasia:

b) Hypertrophy:

c) Atrophy:

d) Metaplasia:

Question 3. Briefly describe the following life processes in your own words.

a) Organisation:

b) Processes of metabolism:

c) Nutrition:

d) Biological maturation:

e) Inheritance:

f) Ageing:

Question 4. Briefly describe the six (6) levels of structural organisation of the human body in order from the smallest structural unit to the largest.

Question 5. The human body strives to adjust to conditions that are optimal for survival. Answer the following questions on homeostasis.

a) Briefly describe the concept of homeostasis in your own words.

b) Briefly describe the relationship between homeostatic imbalance and disease.

c) Briefly explain the process of body temperature regulation through behavioural and physiological mechanisms.

Question 6. Briefly describe the structure and functions of the cardio-vascular system.

Question 7. Briefly describe the structure and functions of the respiratory system.

Question 8. How does the respiratory system work with the cardio-vascular system?

Question 9. Briefly describe the structure and functions of the muscular system.

Question 10. Briefly describe the structure and functions of the skeletal system.

Question 11. Briefly describe the interactions between the muscular system and skeletal system in maintaining the posture and balance of the body.

Question 12. Briefly describe the structure and functions of the endocrine system.

Question 13. Briefly describe the structure and functions of the nervous system.

Question 14. How do the endocrine and nervous systems work together to act as a communication system for the human body?

Question 15. Briefly describe the structure and functions of the digestive system.

Question 16. Briefly describe the structure and functions of the urinary system.

Question 17. Briefly describe how the urinary system, respiratory system, digestive system and integumentary system contribute to excretion of waste products from the human body.

Question 18. Briefly describe the structure and functions of the male and female reproductive systems.

Question 19. Briefly describe the interaction of the reproductive and endocrine systems.

Question 20. Briefly describe the structure and functions of the integumentary system.

Question 21. Briefly describe the structure and functions of the lymphatic system.

Question 22. Describe the three (3) lines of defence provided by our immune system.

Question 23. Briefly describe the structure of the human eye and how the eyes contribute to our vision.

Question 24. Briefly describe the structure of the human ear and how the ears contribute to our hearing.

Question 25. Explain the ear mechanism that controls the balance and equilibrium of the body.

Question 26. Briefly describe organs associated with and processes underpinning the sense of smell in humans.

Question 27. Briefly describe organs associated with and processes underpinning the sense of taste in humans.

Question 28. The major organ systems and their vital components are given in the following table. Identify one (1) common disorder affecting each organ or component. Briefly describe identified disorder, problem or complaint and discuss common signs and symptoms of each of them.

Organ System

Organs / Components

Common disorders, problems and


Provide a brief description of the disorder, problem or complaint and

discuss common signs and symptoms

Cardiovascular system


E.g. Congestive

cardiac failure

Shortness of breath, edema and


Blood vessels






Digestive system




Large intestine



Organ System

Organs / Components

Common disorders,

problems and complaints

Provide a brief description of the

disorder, problem or complaint and discuss common signs and symptoms


Small intestine



Special senses










Endocrine system




Pituitary gland



Female reproductive system







Male reproductive system







Respiratory system




Integumentary system




Nervous system




Spinal cord



Musculoskeletal system










Urinary system




Urinary bladder



Lymphatic system

Lymph nodes and vessels






Question 29. Various health issues of mouth and teeth are listed below. Briefly describe the cause and key features of these diseases.

a) Dental caries:

b) Periodontal disease:

c) Halitosis:

d) Dry mouth:

e) Denture stomatitis:

Question 30. Imagine that you are going to administer a Paracetamol tablet as a pain killer to a resident prior to providing wound care. Briefly describe the cautions and contraindications you would look for in relation to the medication being administered.

Question 31. You are required to insert a naso gastric tube for a resident. Briefly describe the cautions and contraindications you will look for prior to using Xylocaine jelly as a lubricant during tube insertion.

Question 32. To whom would you refer any potentially serious issues in relation to the physical health status of a client? Briefly describe how an enrolled nurse should refer an identified variation from normal functioning of a person to a healthcare team member.

Question 33. Briefly describe the physical, mental and emotional causes of disease.

a) Physical causes:

b) Mental and emotional causes:

Question 34. Describe the key features of the following agents/factors causing diseases. (Hint: what do they actually do to human beings?)

a) Pathogens:

b) Inherited genetic conditions:

c) Trauma:

d) Toxins:

e) Environmental hazards:

f) Nutritional factors:

g) Impacts caused by health interventions (Iatrogenic):

h) Degenerative changes in vital organ systems:

i) The loss of normal control mechanisms such as the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells:

Question 35. The roles and responsibilities of different members of the health team in relation to assessing a person's health status may vary. Research and describe the role, responsibilities and limitations for the following members of the care team in relation to checking client health status in a primary health care facility.

a) Registered Nurse:

Role and responsibilities:


b) Enrolled Nurse:

Role and responsibilities:


c) General practitioner:

Role and responsibilities:


Question 36. Using appropriate anatomical and medical terminology, briefly describe what parameters you should consider when undertaking a respiratory assessment and assessment of the musculo-skeletal system (Hint: what should you look for and what measurements should you undertake?).

Question 37. Briefly describe appropriate health care strategies when a person is presented with moderate to severe breathing difficulty and wheezing.

Assessment task 2 - Simulation Based Assessments

Simulation Based Assessment Task 1:

Mr Russell Stevenson, a 71 year old person, tripped and fell this morning when visiting your health care facility for a pathology appointment. Mr Stevenson hit the back of his head. The Registered Nurse provided basic first aid and performed the initial assessments. Mr Stevenson was conscious, oriented and free from pain during the initial assessment. He was ambulated to the treatment room in a wheel chair.
After an hour, the Registered Nurse asked you to perform the following assessments on Mr Stevenson:
• Level of consciousness;
• Orientation;
• Pupillary activity; and
• Muscle strength and tone.

You must obtain the equipment needed to carry out the physical health assessment, e.g. pen torch. You should seek assistance from one of your classmates to play the role of Mr Stevenson. Your assessor will play the role of the Registered Nurse.
Brief case notes of Mr Stevenson are provided as Appendix A for your reference. 10 minutes will be allocated for you to complete this activity.

Simulation Based Assessment Task 2:
Did you recognise any potentially serious issue/s for Mr Stevenson that need to be referred to the Registered Nurse?
Interpret the information you gathered for task one (1). Discuss your findings with the Registered Nurse and identify any implications and significant issues of Mr Stevenson's current physical health status. You must discuss all variations from normal health status and refer potentially serious issues to the Registered Nurse.
Your assessor will play the role of the Registered Nurse. Time allocated for this activity is 5 minutes.

Simulation Based Assessment Task 3:
The Registered Nurse asked you to monitor Mr Stevenson pending further evaluation by the doctor. It is morning tea time. A care worker asked you whether he/she could give a cup of tea to Mr Stevenson.

Demonstrate how you would respond to the care worker in relation to Mr Stevenson's current health status. Provide a rationale for your response.

Further to your explanation, the care worker stated that she/he knows that Mr Stevenson would usually prefer to have a cup of warm tea at this time during his usual pathology appointments and insists on giving it to him. You are unable to make a decision as you are new to the health care facility.

Identify who you would liaise with to clarify any implications and significant issues affecting Mr Stevenson's current health status. Demonstrate how you would clarify your concern with the relevant people in your health care facility.

Your assessor will alternately play the roles of the carer and relevant reporting personnel in your health care facility.

Assessment task 3 - Professional Practice Assessment

Assessment tasks:

Professional practice assessment task 1:

In a primary health care setting, you will work with different people presenting with different conditions. Enrolled nurses are required to obtain, correctly interpret and use anatomical and physiological client information to check the physical health status of people in relation to planning the care and treatment. Identify three (3) people in your primary health care service, presenting with different health conditions. These conditions may include, but are not limited to, the following:
• People presenting with:
» Stroke
» Clinical features of dementia
» Clinical features of infections
» Injuries
» Heart diseases
» Kidney disease
» Liver dysfunction
» Respiratory issues including asthma
» Allergic reactions
» A combination of different health conditions.

You must complete the following documentation sections related to this task (Activity 1, 2 and 3 for three (3) people) after obtaining anatomical and physiological client information. Alternatively, you could use appropriate physical health assessment templates used in your workplace. This assessment task may also be undertaken as part of professional practice assessment tasks for other units of competency, where physical health assessment is indicated.

You are required to satisfactorily complete the following activities as part of Task 1:
• Using the templates provided below, you are required to gather anatomical and physiological client information for three (3) people. Appendix 1 provides you with further information on what anatomical and physiological client information you could collect for each person. Use this appendix as a guide.
• You must gather required anatomical and physiological information through:
» Observation
» Questioning - health history collection using appropriate open ended questions
» Review of documentation such as case notes and recent laboratory reports.
• The four (4) major techniques you should use in performing the physical examination are:
» Inspection
» Palpation
» Percussion
» Auscultation.
• The equipment you should use in performing the physical examination include, but are not limited to, the following:
» Physical examination kit
» Stethoscope
» Vital signs observation machine
» Weighing machine
» Measuring tape etcetera.

• You must correctly interpret and use this information to check the current physical health condition of each person.
• Identify the person's actual or potential health problems in relation to their current health status. (Hint: medical diagnosis and presenting signs and symptoms).
• Outline the factors that may have contributed to the identified physical health condition of each person.
• Based on your findings, identify all variations from normal health status (e.g. recent headache, bruise and pain on left leg).
• Identify the factors that have impacted on these variations.
• Identify potential risk factors associated with these variations.
• De-identify the person when documenting your findings (do not use any information in your report that would identify the client).

You must discuss your findings with your Host Facilitator or EQUALS' Clinical Facilitator prior to the delivery of health intervention. Clarify uncertain aspects of the person's physical health status with the Host Facilitator or EQUALS' Clinical Facilitator prior to implementing the nursing care, e.g. clarify your role limitations and seek support, where required, considering the safety of the person.

You must also clarify the significance of the person's physical health status in relation to the nursing intervention you are about to perform.

Your Host Facilitator or EQUALS' Clinical Facilitator will observe your skills in gathering relevant information about the person's physical health status and complete the observation checklist and outcome section (provided in the logbook) for each client. You should familiarise yourself with the observation checklist prior to undertaking the assessment.

Note: Do Only Assessment task 1 - Knowledge Question

Attachment:- Confirm physical health status.rar

Reference no: EM133033903

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