Describe the strategy used to select the sample

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Reference no: EM133295054

Question 1. find a research article on Substance abuse and provide an overview of the study, and describe the strategy used to select the sample from the population. Please evaluate the effectiveness of the sampling method selected. Please provide support for your answer, including the article title and permalink in your post.

Question 2. Using the research article selected in DQ 1, identify 3 key questions you will ask and answer when reading the research study and why these questions are important. When responding to peers, provide other questions and answers that could be considered in relation to the peer's studies.

Reference no: EM133295054

Questions Cloud

Why would companies be interested in testing the hypothesis : Why would companies be interested in testing the hypothesis? In short, how can hypotheses tests help them make better decisions?
What were the shortcomings : What were the shortcomings? Were there things that could have influenced the result that the researchers ignored or could not control
Read through the shortcomings of gdp : Read through the shortcomings of GDP identified in your textbook. Next look at this article published by CBS News.
How will impact the discussion about population : How will impact the discussion about population-based nursing? Provide examples and relevant literature to support your response and peer-reviewed
Describe the strategy used to select the sample : Describe the strategy used to select the sample from the population. Please evaluate the effectiveness of the sampling method selected. Please provide support
Determining the lifetime utility function : Show that it satisfies the Inada conditions. Write down the lifetime utility function assuming discount factor ß and an infinitely lived consumer.
What you have learned about nursing research to practice : How will you apply what you have learned about nursing research to your practice? How can research help in shaping your practice as a nursing professional
How to defend against human threats in healthcare : how to defend against human threats in healthcare. What are human threats? List and define 3 types of human threats. Research the web and share an article
Characteristics for evaluating qualitative conclusions : Analyze the four essential characteristics for evaluating qualitative conclusions for such research studies. Report the usefulness of coding data


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