Describe the steps to be taken to ensure accident records

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Reference no: EM13106520

1. A member of site staff should be nominated to supervise and co-ordinate all emergency arrangements. List the precautions that should be taken into consideration.

2. a) Identify the number of First Aid Personnel required for a Medium Risk Site with more than 50 employees.

b) Outline the factors that might make greater first-aid provision necessary.

c) Identify the suggested contents of a first-aid box for a low-risk environment.

3. List and explain the FOUR methods of extinguishing fires.

4. It is the duty of an employee to give notice to his employer of any personal injury caused by an accident at work.

a) State when this notice should be given and what form the notice should take.

b) Outline the employer's duties to be carried out upon receiving notice of an accident from an employee.

c) List the information that must be contained in an accident record

d) Describe the steps to be taken to ensure accident records comply with the Data Protection Act 1998.

e) State the length of time an accident book must be retained following the last date of entry.

5. All employees should be made familiar with the routine to be followed in the event of a fire in their workplace. List and describe the basic components that should be considered when designing any fire routine procedures.

6. Identify the FIVE main types of fire extinguisher, state the colours of their labels and describe the type of fire each is suitable to tackle, outlining the advantages and limitations of EACH.

7. List the actions to be included in a fire action list when discovering a premises fire.

8. Larger amounts of dangerous substances that cannot be stored outside in a safe area should be kept in a special fireresisting store. Identify the requirements for safe storage.

Reference no: EM13106520

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