Reference no: EM133302344
Reproductive System Homework
Male Reproductive Hormones:
1. The testes can continuously produce sperm or go through spermatogenesis - where do the cells come that are producing sperm and why do they not run out?
2. List and describe the steps involved in spermatogenesis starting with a spermatogonia and ending with a mature sperm.
3. Describe the steps (1-7) that occur to produce testosterone. What are the hormones and their effects?
4. What is semen? What is it composed of? And what glands contribute and why?
Female Reproductive System
5. Where does fertilization take place within the female reproductive tract?
6. Youhave to answer the following:
a. When are oocytes formed before they are put on pause?
b. When does a secondary oocyte proceed with meiosis? How many secondary oocytes continue with meiosis?
c. What is the time frame for when an egg/ovum will be able to complete meiosis? (When does this process begin and when does it end?)
d. Why is there a time limit for eggs to be released for fertilization?
7. The Menstrual Cycle: Understanding the complexities of the menstrual cycle requires that you learn one event at a time and then overlap the events. NOTE: you are tracking changes in BOTH the OVARY and the UTERUS in one month.
These changes are controlled by various hormones.
a. What is occurring during the ovarian phase of the menstrual cycle?
b. What two hormones from the anterior pituitary control the ovarian cycle and what are the effects of those hormones?
c. What are the effects of estrogen?
d. What day does ovulation occur on average?
e. What is occurring during the uterine phase of the menstrual cycle?
f. What is the corpus luteum? What hormone does it produce, and what is its function?
g. The menstrual cycle represents changes to what layer of the uterus?
h. Without fertilization, how long after ovulation will it be until menstruation occurs and the uterine lining sloughs off? Why does this occur?
The following relate to events after fertilization:
8. What is the hollow ball of cells that will implant in the endometrium after 1 week of growth?
9. During the second week of growth, the embryo will divide into three layers.
a. What is the layer that will eventually form the digestive tract, organs, and respiratory tract?
b. What is the layer that will turn into muscle and skeleton?
c. What is the layer that will form outer layer of skin and the nervous system?