Describe the steps that healthcare organizations

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM131031857

list factors under the control of healthcare managers that contribute to the decrease in the number of people applying to health professions schools. describe the steps that healthcare organizations can take to improve this situation.

Let’s focus on the simpler case of the two—namely, when there is one nurse. Also, assume that patients arrive in a Poisson fashion and the service rate of the nurse is exponentially distributed. During this slower period, patients arrive with an interarrival time of approximately three minutes. It takes the nurse an average of two minutes to prepare the patients’ serum and administer the injection.

a. What is the average number you would expect to see in Dr. Martin’s facilities?

b. How long would it take for a patient to arrive, get an injection, and leave?

c. What is the utilization of the nurse?

Reference no: EM131031857

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