Describe the steps taken to resolve the conflict

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM13818398

Conflict Identification and Resolution

We live in a very complex and culturally diverse society. When we bring individuals together from diverse backgrounds in a work environment conflict can arise when expectations are not realized or met. Rather than hoping conflict will go away, this paper will explore and identify the reasons for conflict and how to successfully address them in a team environment.

Write a four- to five-page paper (excluding title and reference pages) assessing the components of conflict. The following need to be addressed within your paper:

Describe a conflict within an organization or team with which you are familiar.

Identify and describe the source(s) and level of the conflict and support with evidence.

Describe the steps taken to resolve the conflict or, if it is an ongoing conflict, propose steps to resolve the conflict.

Describe a minimum of three conflict outcomes that could reasonably occur as a result of the conflict resolution. Support your reasoning for each possible outcome.

Reference no: EM13818398

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