Describe the steps involved in conducting a product

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133513506

Maznah is an entrepreneur who is passionate about healthy eating. She wants to open a cafe that specializes in nutritious and organic food. After conducting market research, she has identi?ed a potential location and started working on a menu of healthy food options. To determine if her business idea is viable. Maznah needs to conduct a product and financial feasibility analysis. For the product analysis. she needs to gather information about the demand for healthy food in her community. assess the competition. and identify her unique selling proposition. For the ?nancial analysis. she needs to estimate the start-up costs. project revenue. and assess the return on investment. By conducting a thorough feasibility analysis. l'vfaznah can ensure that her cafe is well positioned to meet the needs of her customers and achieve ?nancial success. Based on the above case study.

Question: answerthe following questions:

a. Describe the steps involved in conducting a product feasibility analysis for Maznah's business idea.

b. What is the purpose of a financial feasibility analysis. and what are some factors that Maznah needs to consider when conducting this analysis for her business idea?

Reference no: EM133513506

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