Describe the steps for effective incident investigation

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133143302


You are the president and largest shareholder of a original equipment manufacturer (OEM) that employs 300 workers. You do not have a safety specialist on staff, but you do take a personal interest in incident prevention. Recently you assigned general respon- sibility for safety to the day-shift superintendents as a minor part of their regular duties. The plant has never been thoroughly analyzed for hazards, and you are aware that the operation is not as safe as it could be. Many of the operations require considerable ongoing maintenance by the workers to prevent incidents. Since for several years the business has been only breaking even, you have delayed making any improvements to the plant and equipment. You and the superintendents have concentrated your efforts on preventing unsafe acts by the employees. An elaborate system of worker reminders, such as posters and instruction by supervisors, has been used to make the workforce safety conscious. For the past few years, your performance with respect to medical aid and lost-time injuries has been average for your WCB rate group. Your company has escaped any lost-time injuries for the past two years, including the current year to date.The continuation of that record has become an important goal. Signs in the plant indicate the number of days that have passed without a lost-time injury. Today, at 15:30, a container of nearly red-hot, upper-control-arm forgings was overturned. The hot forgings fell on a worker who was helping the drop forge machine operator. The worker suffered third degree burns over 20 percent of his body. Though he is expected to recover,the worker will lose most of his right arm, right ear, and sight in his right eye. Explain the investigative methods and tools you would use to investigate this incident. 

1. Sequentially list and describe the steps for effective incident investigation, from beginning to end, 

 2 List the stakeholders who would be interviewed and provide a sample of questions that you would be asked during the interview 

3. List and explain the type of records/documents that you would reference to identify any gaps in their processes 

4. Provide at least 3 recommendations to improve their safety and health program, and provide specific objectives for each recommendation

Reference no: EM133143302

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