Reference no: EM131733384
Describe the states of joint attention and communication development experienced by typically developing children?
How do children with ASD differ from their typically developing peers in these areas?
Describe two research based interventions used to assist students with ASD to meet their communication needs?
The thread should be 420- words and 3-5 paragraphs in length. THE thread should be supported with at least 2 sources in APA format.
You will critically review 1 journal article on autism and social skills.The articleis attached. Increasing the Social Skills of a Student With Autism Through a Literacy-Based Behavioral Intervention
If your article is on the topic of social skills (as applicable):
In what way does this article expand your knowledge regarding social skills for children or adolescents with ASD and their families? Discuss this knowledge as it specifically relates to 4 of the topics listed below:
a) Relationship development and maintenance,
b) Play/recreation,
c) Non-verbal interaction,
d) Functional imitation,
e) Emotional expression,
f) Emotional understanding,
g) Self-advocacy/work, and
h) The role of challenging behaviors versus social skill deficits.
i) Empathy
The review must be:
• At least 5 pages,
• APA format including:
o Margins,
o Font style and size,
o In-text ditations, and
o Reference list that begins on a separate page.