Reference no: EM13232583

a. With the use of the letters representing the activity, identify the tasks that lie on the critical path. (Note: letters represent the activity, numbers correspond to time in days needed to complete the task)
b. What is the slack time for task C, D and G?
c. Task A will be delayed for 2 days due to the late arrival of some equipment. If the project manager wants to finish the project on time, he will need to shorten the duration of some tasks. How can this be achieved?
d. Convert the above network diagram to a Gantt chart. Differentiate the usage of the network diagram and a Gantt chart.
2. FACILITIES LAYOUT. The following is process step of making banana chips: (1) receiving raw materials, (2) classification of raw material (ripe is rejected as wastes), (3) peeling, (4) soaking in water, (5) slicing to desired thickness, (6) quick frying (pre-cooking), (7) draining of excess oil, (8) store until demand is needed, (9) final frying with addition of sugar, (10) cool, (11) quality check (burnt and broken products are rejected), (12) packing, (12) store finish goods for delivery.
a. Construct a process map using the symbols: circle for process, square = inspection, inverted triangle = storage, arrow = transport, and diamond = decision making.
b. Draw a layout of the facility for the above process, indicating the process flow with arrows.
c. Site some important factors to be considered in choosing a plant location and explain briefly.
3. QUALITY MANAGEMENT. Make a comparison between the dimensions of quality in manufacturing vs. that of service. Please explain briefly each point. What is ISO and how does it improve product quality?
4. MATERIALS MANAGEMENT. Assuming you are the manager of a bakeshop chain in the city, describe how you will handle the materials for production to ensure a smooth flow of the operation. Include forms which you might need in the process. What is the importance of inventory control?
a. Describe the three stages of the planning process.
b. What is meant by predictive control?
c. What is the importance of capacity planning and control?
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