Reference no: EM132484036
Question 1: Compare and contrast the four categories of hypersensitivity (Type I, II, Ill and IV).
In your response to the above, or in a separate paragraph, distinguish between immediate hypersensitivity and delayed type hypersensitivity. In other words, why is one type of hypersensitivity "immediate" and one "delayed"; you should also note which of the Types (I, II, Ill, or IV) is referred to as immediate hypersensitivity and which is delayed.
For both of the above focus on the cell types involved and the effector mechanism (what causes illness). You can keep your answers a bit general, you don't need to mention particular cytokines or signalling pathways (general terms like 'activation', 'apoptosis', etc. are fine).
Question 2:
You may find the following useful in your understanding of transplant responses, and in answering the question
Describe the stages of graft rejection - hyperacute, acute and chronic; focus on causes and overall effect. Your answer should address the following:
• The type of immune cell(s), major immune molecules involved (note: you can keep it a bit general. Antibodies are fine, you don't have to get more specific; cytokines are fine, you don't have to name individual ones. Focus on immune cell types we talked about in the course).
• The timing of the rejection response (right away? after a few weeks, months, years?)
• For each of the stages, can the rejection response be treated? (is there a medication, etc. that makes the response less likely to happen or treats the response).
• Transplant responses normally involve T-cells (most stages, not all). For each of the stages, are T-cells playing a major role? If so, is the antigen presenting cell from the patient (recipient) or from the tissue donor (see the linked article above for a good diagram of this).
Remember you can keep your answers a bit general. For example, you don't need to mention particular cytokines or signalling pathways ('cytokines' is acceptable).