Reference no: EM132332160
Assignment: Literature Review: In this section, summarize the articles you reviewed for your chosen track. Summarize the ways in which physical, social, and environmental factors play in throughout the course, and explain how related views have changed over time. Explain conclusions you can draw based on that research and text material.
Describe the specific research designs used in the studies you reviewed and how those designs were used by the authors. Explain how they addressed ethics, using examples from the articles, and discuss how this ties into the historical view of ethics.
The Literature Worksheet you filled out in this class contains much of the material you need for this section. You listed the titles of the studies you used in APA format on the worksheets, so you can paste those titles onto the reference page of this template in that proper format. The worksheet required you to discuss how various factors influence human development, so use that in this paper. You also discussed the historical significance on your worksheets, so incorporate that as well.
The worksheets required you to talk about the design of the studies you reviewed for your chosen track and to discuss the ways in which the researchers addressed ethical considerations. That information plugs directly into the requirements for this paper.
Research Design: Explain the research gap you identified after reviewing the provided articles and state your research question. Describe the way in which you would design a study to address the gap and answer your research question. Explain how you would address any ethical issues and how this plan was influenced by historical factors.
Your Research Design Worksheet contains much of what you need for this section. On that worksheet, you identified a gap and shared your research question. You also laid out your research design and discussed the ways in which you handled ethical issues. Adapt the information from that worksheet into this paper, editing it as needed.
Conclusion: In this section you'll need to include the conclusion that you wrote for Milestone Three with instructor feedback incorporated.
Proofread your paper carefully for grammar, spelling, and syntax errors before turning it in. You are encouraged to use the Writing Center prior to submitting your paper. Pay careful attention to citations and references, which should be done in APA format. The References page in this example shows how to properly format your text as a reference.
Your Title and References pages should be separate pages with nothing on them other than those elements. Use 12-point Times Roman as your font; use one-inch margins and double space your paper as shown in this template.
Reference: Santrock, J. W. (2015). A topical approach to life-span development (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.